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在技​​术面试中要问的十二个问题 (Twelve questions to ask at tech interviews)

I’ve just come off six weeks’ of interviewing for medior software developer roles, in a market that is desperate for talent (Amsterdam). That means I went on a lot of interviews. In order to tease out which companies might be right for me, I wanted to ask many questions. You’ll have to find the right balance for you and the person(s) interviewing you.

在这个急需人才的市场(阿姆斯特丹)中,我刚刚结束了为中型软件开发人员角色进行面试的六个星期。 那意味着我进行了很多采访。 为了弄清楚哪些公司适合我,我想问很多问题。 您必须为您和面试您的人找到合适的平衡点。

If you’re job-hunting as a junior, you may find that you don’t actually care about the answers to any of these — you just want a job. Even if that’s the case, consider what would be a red flag for you and ask questions that will tease that information out of your interviewers. If there’s a deal-breaker, you want to know about it before you accept a job offer.

如果您是大三的求职者,您可能会发现您实际上并不在乎这些问题的答案,而只是想找一份工作。 即使是这种情况,也请考虑对您来说是一个危险信号,并提出一些问题,以使您的面试官明白这些信息。 如果有一个破坏交易的事情,您想接受工作邀请之前先了解一下。

典型过程 (The typical process)

Based on my experience, here’s how the process of interviewing generally goes:


  1. Screening call / potentially on-site interview. Typically done by someone in HR. If done by someone technical, it’s normally quite short (not a good time to fire all your questions).

    筛选电话/可能进行现场采访 。 通常由人力资源部门的某人完成。 如果由技术人员来完成,通常会很短(不是您提出所有问题的好时机)。

  2. Technical interview. You’ll have another round of interviews with actual developers and they’ll dig into your knowledge.

    技术面试 。 您将对实际的开发人员进行另一轮采访,他们将深入您的知识。

  3. Technical assessment / homework / pair programming. Huge bonus points for companies doing pair programming, in my opinion. I understand why they assign homework, but for the most part it’s a waste of everyone’s time and does not assess the right skills.

    技术评估/作业/配对编程 。 我认为,这对进行结对编程的公司而言是巨大的奖励积分。 我知道他们为什么要分配作业,但是在大多数情况下,这浪费了每个人的时间,并且没有评估正确的技能。

  4. Final interview, meeting the rest of the team. Sometimes this interview is replaced with meeting the founder(s), if it’s a small company.

    最后面试,与团队其他成员会面 。 如果是一家小公司,有时可以将这次面试替换为与创始人会面。

  5. Offer.


Naturally, this all differs quite a bit per company, but it’s a general outline for what you might expect during the hiring process.


筛选器的问题 (Questions for your screener)

It’s very common to have someone non-technical do the first interview. It’s not appropriate to ask them stack questions, because they often have no idea what you’re talking about — even in small companies.

让非技术人员进行首次面试很常见。 向他们提出堆叠问题是不合适的,因为即使在小型公司中,他们通常也不知道您在说什么。

Most of this call should be you talking about you. They already have your CV, but they’ll expect an introduction — make sure you have a good and concise story to tell about your work history. You’ll be repeating this story ad nauseum while interviewing.

这个电话大部分应该是您在谈论自己。 他们已经有了您的简历,但是他们会期望获得介绍—确保您有一个简洁明了的故事来讲述您的工作经历 。 在面试时,您会重复讲这个故事的故事。

招聘流程是什么? (What is the hiring process?)

It’s likely they’ll go through this with you anyway, but if they don’t, be sure to find out what all the specific steps are with this company. If you’re just testing the waters here and they expect you to build a complete app next, it’s probably best to move along.

无论如何,他们很可能会与您一起解决这个问题,但是如果没有,一定要找出该公司的所有特定步骤。 如果您只是在这里进行测试,并且他们希望您接下来构建一个完整的应用程序,那么最好继续进行下去。

告诉我一些有关技术团队的信息。 (Tell me a little about the tech team.)

How many members, makeup junior vs. senior, and any hierarchies (is there a CTO? Product owner?) should be easy for the HR person to explain. If not, particularly at large companies, that’s fine too.

人力资源人员应该易于解释有多少成员,初级和高级化妆师以及任何层次结构(是否有CTO?产品负责人?)。 如果没有的话,尤其是在大型公司,那也很好。

Make sure you know the next step before you get off the phone with your screener.


技术面试问题 (Questions for the technical interview)

Here’s where the bulk of my questions come out. They’re assessing you, but you’re also assessing them. Let your interviewers drive the conversation, but it’s fine to jump in with a question or two along the way. At the end of the meeting, they should ask if you have any questions and you can ask as many of these as feels right for the moment.

这是我大部分问题提出的地方。 他们在评估您,但您也在评估他们。 让您的面试官推动对话,但是一路上提出一个或两个问题很好。 在会议结束时,他们应该询问您是否有任何问题,并且您可以在目前合适的范围内提出许多问题。

If you don’t care about the answer to a question, don’t ask it. There’s no point in wasting everyone’s time talking about a thing unless it will help you decide whether or not to work there.

如果您不关心问题的答案,请不要提出。 浪费每个人谈论某件事的时间是没有意义的,除非它可以帮助您决定是否在那工作。

I put these in order of relevance to me. If we’re having a nice chat, I probably don’t get to the ones at the end. If it’s a little painful and hard to talk to my interviewer, I might get to ask all of them, and hope that I have better rapport with the rest of the team.

我把这些与我相关。 如果我们聊天愉快,那么最后我可能不会谈。 如果与面试官有点痛苦且难以交谈,我可能会问所有这些人,并希望我与团队中的其他成员保持更好的融洽关系。

谁是这个职位的理想人选? (Who is your ideal candidate for this role?)

I really like this question because it gives you a better idea of what is expected of you, by framing it in a new way. If your interviewer(s) could create a person out of thin air to fill this role, who would that person be? Sometimes they will describe you to a T and other times you’ll hear a lot that doesn’t align with your background / skills / preferences. It’s a good way to see if you’d be a good fit at the company.

我真的很喜欢这个问题,因为它以一种新的方式为您提供了对您的期望的更好的想法。 如果您的面试官可以凭空创造一个人来担任这个角色,那么这个人会是谁? 有时他们会用T形容您,有时您会听到很多与您的背景/技能/偏好不符的信息。 这是查看您是否适合该公司的好方法。

For instance, one company said they wanted someone who “doesn’t need a lot of help”. To me, that’s a red flag. Anyone coming into a new code base needs help to understand the business logic, even if they’re experts in the tech the code is built on. Developers who are hostile to a learning environment are a big turn-off for me.

例如,一家公司表示,他们希望有人“不需要很多帮助”。 对我来说,那是一个危险信号。 进入新代码库的任何人都需要帮助来理解业务逻辑,即使他们是构建代码的技术专家。 对学习环境怀有敌意的开发人员对我来说是个很大的选择。

On the other hand, I frequently heard that their ideal candidate would work “independently” and be “self-motivated”. These are great signs for me, as I see myself as both of them and don’t want a lot of nit-picking and forced structure in my own work. The two answers might mean exactly the same thing, but how they’re framed makes a big difference for your work environment.

另一方面,我经常听到他们的理想候选人会“独立”工作并“自我激励”。 这些对我来说是个好兆头,因为我将自己视为两个人,不想在自己的作品中花很多力气。 这两个答案可能含义完全相同,但是它们的框架对您的工作环境有很大的不同。

这个角色面临的最大挑战是什么? (What are the biggest challenges for this role?)

The answer to this questions depends very much on what you’ll be doing. In all cases, it’s a great way to see behind some of the sunny information you’ll get from the rest of your chat. Pay close attention to what they think will be difficult in this role, and evaluate if you’re the right person to meet those challenges.

这些问题的答案在很大程度上取决于您将要做什么。 在所有情况下,这都是查看隐藏在聊天中的一些阳光明媚信息的好方法。 密切注意他们认为在此职位中遇到的困难,并评估您是否是应对这些挑战的合适人选。

谁为这家公司设定愿景? (Who sets the vision for this company?)

I’m looking here for the long-term plan, and hopefully to talk some about goals for growth. The only answer that strikes me as a red flag is if they don’t know how to answer the question. “The founder” seems like a fine answer for me for a small company, and “the board” and “management” as you get into larger companies. Major bonuses if everyone feels that they have input into creating a larger vision and roadmap. Blank stares would be bad here — you want to work at a company that knows where it’s going.

我正在这里寻找长期计划,并希望谈论一些增长目标。 唯一令我震惊的答案是,如果他们不知道如何回答这个问题。 对于小公司来说,“创始人”似乎是一个很好的答案,而对于大公司而言,“董事会”和“管理层”对我来说似乎是一个很好的答案。 如果每个人都觉得自己已经为制定更大的愿景和路线图投入了精力,那将是一笔可观的奖励。 在这里呆呆的凝视是不好的-您想在一家知道公司发展前景的公司工作。

您如何衡量开发团队/个人/公司的成功? (How do you measure the success of the development team / individuals / the company?)

Again, a process question. I want to know how my work and my team’s work will be evaluated. If they have trouble with this one, I switch it around and ask how they know if they’ve done a bad job. In my opinion, if there’s no way to know if you’ve done well, but they’re clear about what “messing up” looks like, that’s a red flag. How can you be successful at your job if you don’t know what being successful looks like?

再次,一个过程问题。 我想知道如何评估我的工作和团队的工作。 如果他们对此有问题,我将其切换过来,询问他们如何知道他们做得不好。 我认为,如果无法知道您做得是否不错,但是他们清楚“混乱”的模样,那是一个危险信号。 如果您不知道成功的模样,您如何才能成功完成工作?

在这里工作最有趣/最令人沮丧的事情是什么? (What is the most enjoyable / frustrating thing about working here?)

This question is great to re-use on multiple people. Ask it as two questions, back-to-back (I prefer asking the positive one first). You’ll often see patterns come up — everyone is annoyed about the same things. Getting people to talk about a negative is always hard in interviews, but I find this one is difficult for people to side-step.

这个问题非常适合在多个人上重复使用。 背对背问两个问题(我更喜欢先问正面问题)。 您会经常看到模式出现-每个人都对相同的事情感到恼火。 在面试中让人们谈论负面话题总是很困难,但我发现人们很难回避这一话题。

They probably won’t tell you the big systemic problems of the company (they might) but at least you’ll get a feel for some of the process / personality / bureaucracy challenges of working there


描述代码审查过程。 (Describe the code review process.)

The answer to this one tends to be fairly short — they do PRs, a colleague reviews on GitHub / wherever. Dig a little further to find out what kinds of reviews, the average time to merge after submission, etc. Are they going to be super nit-picky about everything? Let massive errors through? Do they actually care or are they just showing off their own knowledge? What about testing? How often do they release?

一位同事在GitHub /任何地方都评论说,对此的答案往往很短-他们进行PR。 进一步挖掘以找出哪些类型的评论,提交后合并的平均时间等。它们是否会对所有内容都挑剔? 让大量错误通过? 他们实际上在乎还是只是在炫耀自己的知识? 那测试呢? 他们多久释放一次?

一个想法如何从“世界范围”发展到积压,最后到代码和生产-引导我完成功能开发过程。 (How does an idea go from “out in the world” into the backlog and finally to code and production — walk me through your feature development process.)

I want to know where new ideas come from. Are they looking at the data and then building based on an informed worldview? Or does the founder get an idea and then everyone jumps to meet his expectations?

我想知道新想法从何而来。 他们是在查看数据,然后根据明智的世界观进行构建吗? 还是创始人有了一个主意,然后每个人都满足了他的期望?

This question is a lot like the “vision” one, and can be asked as a follow-up. Once you have the vision, how does an actual feature get described and then coded? I consider this the closest to “what is it like to work here?” without needing to ask in those words and get a trite answer.

这个问题很像“愿景”,可以作为后续问题提出。 一旦有了愿景,如何描述然后编码实际功能? 我认为这最接近“在这里工作是什么感觉?” 不需要问这些话并得到一个简单的答案。

说明您最近遇到的技术挑战。 (Explain a technical challenge you’ve recently faced.)

If they struggle with the question above, this one should be easier — I’m asking for a concrete example of recent work they’ve done. Was there collaboration among team members or did one person just figure it out themselves? Were external resources brought in? Was the feature dropped? Again, this question is good for getting an idea of the day-to-day operations.

如果他们在上述问题上苦苦挣扎,那么这个问题应该会更容易-我要求他们最近完成工作的具体例子。 团队成员之间是否存在协作,还是只有一个人自己弄清楚了吗? 是否引入了外部资源? 该功能是否已删除? 同样,此问题对于了解日常操作很有帮助。

奖励:新员工入职的计划是什么? 您如何将新开发人员纳入团队? (Bonus: What are the plans for onboarding new hires? How do you incorporate new developers into the team?)

I consider this one fairly low-priority unless you are junior. Juniors should be looking for significant plans for onboarding and even training. Mediors and seniors can ask this question to see if they have an answer. I’d like to know that they have considered what it is like for new developers to start. Have they thought about how to make the transition into the company easier? It’s not necessarily a deal-breaker if they haven’t — because lots of companies have not.

除非您是初中生,否则我认为这一优先级较低 。 少年应该为入职甚至培训寻找重要的计划。 介意者和老年人可以问这个问题,看他们是否有答案。 我想知道他们已经考虑了新开发人员的入门情况。 他们是否考虑过如何简化向公司的过渡? 如果没有,这并不一定会破坏交易-因为许多公司都没有。

Related, I like to ask if they hire juniors and how they work with them, but only if we are already solid that I am not a junior. I’m nearly three years into my career, but I don’t want to give anyone ideas. More senior engineers could ask this without fear of being mistaken for a junior, and get good information about how employees are valued.

相关,我想问一下他们是否雇用初级员工,以及他们如何与他们合作,但前提是我们已经确定我不是初级员工。 我的职业生涯将近三年,但我不想给任何人任何想法。 更多高级工程师可以提出这个问题,而不必担心被误认为是初级人员,并且可以获得有关员工价值的良好信息。

最后面试的问题 (Questions for the final interview)

In this last interview, you might already be talking salaries and start dates. If they make you an offer, get really clear on what is on the table — bonuses, pension, equity, vacation days, starting date, etc.

在上一次面试中,您可能已经在谈论薪水和开始日期。 如果他们向您提供了报价,请弄清楚桌上的东西-奖金,退休金,股权,休假日,开始日期等。

Here’s a question you might consider asking but need to tread lightly and read the room:


我需要注意任何内部政治吗? (Are there any internal politics I need to watch out for?)

In a bigger company, they can put this on “sales” and let you know that they are the gods around here and not to piss them off. In a smaller company, they are liable to tell you there are no problems. What you’re going for is some first-day-on-the-job knowledge — who actually calls the shots? Is there a project on the table that some people think is not worth doing but others love? If they’re willing to give up a little dirt here, it can help you in your first weeks. It also shows that you care about fitting into the company and properly negotiating all the personalities floating around.

在较大的公司中,他们可以将其出售给“销售人员”,并让您知道他们是这里的神灵,而不是惹恼他们。 在较小的公司中,他们很容易告诉您没有问题。 您想要的是工作中的第一天知识—谁真正做主? 桌上是否有一些人认为不值得做但别人喜欢的项目? 如果他们愿意在这里放弃一些污垢,这可以在您使用的头几周内为您提供帮助。 它还表明您在乎是否适合加入公司,并妥善地与周围的所有人物进行谈判。

最后的笔记 (Final notes)

All of these questions can lead into some great discussions. Don’t feel like you need to jump into each one. Start with the most important or most informative ones and go from there. It’s much better to have a back-and-forth than fire off each question.

所有这些问题都可以引发一些精彩的讨论。 不必觉得您需要跳入每一个。 从最重要或最有用的内容开始,然后从那里开始。 反复练习比解决每个问题要好得多。

In my assessment of a company, I’m trying to find out would I enjoy working here? and would they want me as a colleague / employee? Whatever conversation we can have that leads me closer to an answer to either of those questions is best. These prompts are just helpers to get there.

在对一家公司的评估中,我试图找出我喜欢在这里工作吗? 他们想让我成为同事/雇员吗? 无论我们能进行什么样的对话,使我更接近对这些问题之一的回答都是最好的。 这些提示只是到达那里的助手。

Good luck in your job search!





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